Pyrolysis Plant FAQ /Technology

FAQ of pyrolysis plant / DATE:2014/9/22

The technology of converting waste plastic to oil is called pyrolysis,the pyrolysis is a chemical reaction after .all.pyrolysis is a thermo chemical decomposition of organic material at elevated temperatures. During the reaction, the temperature, pressure, and the catalyst added to catalyze the reaction are the key points of the catalytic pyrolysis.And what is the most important is the final products.

During the process of pyrolysis about waste plastic, the temperature differs for different materials. Such as PE, PET, PS, PETP, PP and so on. According to the test, in common the reaction rate will accerelate with the temperature elevating. The gas oil conversation rate is also increasing. When the temperature elevated to a special range The conversation rate will stay stability. The rate of reaction change is small. If the temperature continues elevating, the gas oil conversation rate will decline and will generate waste gas and coke. There is a best conversation rate at the suitable temperature.

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